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Cancer Cure and Cheap Veg?

I was phoned yesterday morning by a lady wanting a large bag of organic beetroot for her sister who had cancer. She wanted to make juice every day and it had to be organic as root crops absorb any nasty elements in the soil.

After a quick search in the BigBarn MarketPlace I found an organic supplier and was quoted £25 for a 25kg bag, as the Tesco price was £1.80 a bunch, and the delivery cost £6.10, our customer was very happy.

So we are now thinking of asking veg suppliers in MarketPlace to sell 10 or 25kg bags of root veg. Especially onions, beetroot, potatoes, parsnips and carrots, that store well in a cool larder. Your feedback below is very welcome.

To buy the organic Beetroot and other root veg online and get a delivery, visit Ashurst Organic or use our local food map to find your nearest supplier and ask if you can pay a lower price if you buy a large bag.

For more on Beetroot and cancer there are many interesting articles on the internet. click here for articles. If I was unlucky enough to get cancer nutrition is definitely one of the first things I would change.