Latest news from Big Barn and our producers.
Consumption of ultra processed food is increasing, and has been linked to early death and vast cost to the NHS. And UK taxpayer. As a tax payer I want to see action to stop this trend.
A recent BBC report included studies from universities in Spain and Paris showing that:
‘Ultra-processed foods lead to overeating’
‘There were 10 deaths among those eating the least ultra-processed food, compared to 16 deaths among those eating the most’
‘Those eating more ultra-processed food had worse heart health’
‘Last year, a link was made with an increased risk of cancer’
Our government, as usual, has reacted slowly. It has taxed sugar and commissioned a new ‘report’, but left the taxpayer to pick up the NHS cost until there is any real change.
As usual there seems to be an attitude of; ‘simply carry on and science will solve it’.The recent blog we wrote about the wasted £40m per year spent on free fruit for primary school children probably makes the government even more wary of taking action that may prove to be wrong.
To us there are two simple, long term, solutions. Education and taxation.
Education so that we know what we should eat and taxation to tax those people who eat the wrong food and end up increasing NHS costs.
Food education must be in all schools and all the way through the curriculum, as it is in many other countries, even China!
Our petition to get Food Growing, Cooking and Nutrition on the school Curriculum now has nearly 6,000 signatures with the resounding feedback from those who have watched the videos and understand the proposition being; ‘NO BRAINER’.
Quite right when 20% of NHS spend is on food related disease, half our schools already have a garden or veg path, most of the teaching notes for the curriculum have already been written, and kids can be a huge influence on parents. Two generations in one go!
If you agree and worry about your tax burden please sign the petition here.