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My last blog was criticised for calling Goldsmiths University ignorant and irresponsible for banning beef in their campus food outlets. To back up my statements I have more information and videos below that include the statement that for global warming it is a ‘major mistake to compare cows to cars’.
Did you know:
– If all American consumers stopped eating meat carbon emissions would reduce by only 0.5%
– 80% of all greenhouse gasses come from fossil fuels
– 70% of all the Earth’s agricultural land is marginal and only suitable for grazing
– Methane is 28 times worse than CO2 as a greenhouse gas but naturally breaks down in 10 years, CO2 takes 1,000 years.
These factoids come from a conference in June 2019 about ‘The Role of Ruminants in Sustainable Diets’ that brought together the world’s leading academic experts on diet and ruminants. The see all the experts on video Or watch the two short exert videos below.
Is methane dangerous? Here is an exert short video comparing greenhouse gases from livestock farming to burning fossil fuels. The sustainable circular flow of gases in natural livestock production.
How much land do we have to feed the world? Short video showing the challenge to feed the world in 2050.
What I found so scary watching the conference was how the media and so called climate experts have been misleading consumers over recent years. And how many people have become vegetarian or vegan for the wrong reasons.YES, we eat too much meat and should cut down. Especially on factory farmed meat fed on grain that could feed humans instead. When buying beef it should be grass fed from sustainable mixed farms where livestock are part of a cropping rotation to improve soil, or from hill farms where crops cannot be grown.
We need consumers to be better informed about food and farming to make the right buying choices and government to act properly on climate change.
If you agree please sign our petition to get Food Growing, cooking and nutrition on the school curriculum or feedback below.