Falkirk Farmers Market

About Falkirk Farmers Market

1st Saturday of each month

High St

Tel: 01560 484 861

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– Producer Reviews –

Falkirk Farmers Market is now on the first Friday of each month. You can get the very best bacon; highland cow beef and local vegetables; just a few of the best.

Rena Moore - 30 June 2013

Falkirk Farmers Market is now on the first Friday of each month. You can get the very best bacon; highland cow beef and local vegetables; just a few of the best.

Rena Moore - 30 June 2013

Falkirk Farmers Market is now on the first Friday of each month. You can get the very best bacon; highland cow beef and local vegetables; just a few of the best.

Rena Moore - 30 June 2013

Falkirk Farmers Market is now on the first Friday of each month. You can get the very best bacon; highland cow beef and local vegetables; just a few of the best.

Rena Moore - 30 June 2013

Fresh, reasonably priced produce and friendly vendors. The best sausages,lamb and mutton around. The day is now the first Friday of every month.

Catherine Moore - 30 August 2010
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