Brymor Dairy

About Brymor Dairy

Situated just outside Masham at High Jervaulx Farm, Brymor Ice Cream produces world famous ice cream made on the farm and manufactured with milk produced from a local herd while using the very best locally sourced ingredients.Brymor Ice Cream is available in its very own North Yorkshire ice cream ...

High Jervaulx Farm

Tel: 01677 460377

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– Producer Reviews –

Sitting here in wonderful gentle Yorkshire Dales sunshine, enjoying a local Brymor ice cream made round the corner by A.B. Moore Farmers. Great ice cream though it beats me that people like this don't go out and buy a tub of Green and Blacks vanilla and learn from them NOT to put diglycerides and those other non-household ingredients into their ice cream, and also that they should put roughly powdered vanilla into the mix as G and B do - it looks so darned convincing when you dish it up. Sorry - G and B is still the best by miles, on real natural ingredients, on looks, on taste. If they can do it properly, why can't you, Brymor? Good ice cream, but ...

David Jordan - 18 May 2014
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