RBST near Tremar, Cornwall Local Food Shops and Producers

There are 2 RBST listings around Tremar, Cornwall on BigBarn.

RBST means Rare Bred Survival Trust. They monitor the number of rare and native breeds and produce an annual Watchlist. They save genetics in the UK National Gene Bank. If a breed were to become extinct, they can use this store to revive a breed.

They save animals and promote the breeding and registration of rare and native breeds. Increased diversity enables faster development of new traits.

Native breeds provide a major contribution to our rural economy, both economic and culturally.  There are around 30,000 herds and flocks of native breeds in the UK.  Native breeds are part of our national identity and heritage.

Grazing with native breeds plays an important role in the development and maintenance of natural habitats and increasing biodiversity. Likewise genetic resistance is increasingly important for the control of animal diseases.  Saving our native breeds can help us to face as yet unknown challenges in the form of disease resistance and susceptibility, climate adaptation, food security and resilience. For more click here: https://www.rbst.org.uk/our-mission

BigBarn works with the RBST by providing our local food map for their website and promoting their members on the main map via bigbarn.co.uk and all partner websites.

  • Rachael's Rare Breeds

    We are specialists in rare and commercial breeds, supplying livestock and meat to consumers and restaurants. Rachael’s Rare Breeds is a part of Gratto...

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  • The Natural Fibre Co

    Specialist spinning mill, making yarns for British regional and rare wool, alpaca and mohair producers. Trade, organic, dyeing, woollen and worsted to...

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